Programme (2020)

Our third TEDx event at the University of Luxembourg was part of TED’s COUNTDOWN initiative and happened as 5 online evening sessions with original talks and performances during the week of 12th-16th October 2020.

Day 1: Monday, 12th October 2020 – 6:30PM – 8:00PM


Day 2: Tuesday, 13th October 2020 – 6:30PM – 8:00PM


  • Chris ANDERSON & Linday LEVIN: Introducing TEDx Countdown
  • Tara MANCINIThinking Fluidly to Solve Problems
  • Performance by MAZ
  • Phil DALE: How rapidly can we move to 100% clean energy?
  • Stephen WILKES: The photographer as climate witness (TED Countdown)
  • Jesal DOSHI: Em~POWER~ing a better planet for the lives we save
  • Q&A session

Day 3: Wednesday, 14th October 2020 – 6:30PM – 8:00PM


  • Chris ANDERSON & Linday LEVIN: Introducing TEDx Countdown
  • Anupam SENGUPTA: Why microbes are crucial in tackling the climate crisis
  • Nic Balthazar: Sing for the Climate
  • Ariane KÖNIG: How you can help restore the foundation for life on Earth
  • Performance by Anasea
  • András KOZMA: How long could a building last?
  • Q&A session

Day 4: Thursday, 15th October 2020 – 6:30PM – 8:00PM


  • Chris ANDERSON & Linday LEVIN: Introducing TEDx Countdown
  • Samyukta SIVASHANKAR: What is your part? (Winner of our Youth Writing Contest <12 years)
  • Rushank BARDOLIA: Sustainability is in your PALM
  • Performance by Jean MULLER
  • Rachel RECKINGER: How to design a truly sustainable food system in the context of climate change?
  • Alok SHARMA & Nigel TOPPING: The Race to Zero (TED Countdown)
  • Luca MACCHI + Frédéric BROCHIER: Eco-mobility and corporate gardens: two winning components to commit yourself to tackle the climate change (in French & English)
  • Q&A session

Day 5: Friday, 16th October 2020 – 6:30PM – 8:00PM


  • Chris ANDERSON & Linday LEVIN: Introducing TEDx Countdown
  • Christie Anne BAGGENDORFF: Once Upon a Rainforest (Winner of our Youth Writing Contest >12 years)
  • Dialogue with Stéphane PALLAGE about the Sustainability Strategy of the University of Luxembourg
  • Performance by Modestine EKETE
  • Varan PATHMANATHAN: Put your money where your heart is
  • How do our climate commitments stack up? (TED Countdown)
  • Jane WILKINSON: Financing the future we all wish to have
  • Q&A session