One of our must-watch speakers: Ognyan ‘Flame’ Darinov with his talk “Understanding the environment through poetry”.
We understand the environment through ourselves, through our human experience, but we don’t think about it for its own sake. The bigger picture is often lost on us. This is why our relationship with it is toxic, in both senses of the word. We might be able to change this with a little bit of poetry.
Ognyan ‘Flame’ Darinov (aged 21) is an English Studies graduate at the University of Luxembourg, originally from Sofia, Bulgaria. Even though he’s making the transition from literature to linguistics, his time at the Bachelor en Cultures Européennes has made him passionate for all types of humanities studies. The questions he often asks are about the multiplicity of the human condition and experience, and about how we can use literature, culture and art to transmit these ideas.
Find more on his poetry blog: https://letzwrite.art/