After two successful events in 2018 and 2019, TEDx UniversityofLuxembourg is back with a new edition. But this year, everything will be slightly different: TEDx goes virtual! In the week of 10-18 October 2020, we will bring powerful ideas to your homes in new and exciting ways.
The event will be part of a virtual global movement launched by TED and Future Stewards to tackle the climate crisis: #JoinTheCountdown.
The goal is to identify compelling responses to the following five questions:
- Power: How rapidly can we move to 100% clean energy?
- Built environment: How can we re-engineer the stuff that surrounds us?
- Transport: How do we transform the ways we move?
- Food: How can we spark a worldwide shift to healthier food systems?
- Nature: How extensively can we re-green the earth?
In addition, we also want to tackle these two related questions:
- Finance: How do we finance the transition towards a sustainable future?
- Motivation: How do we motivate people to change their everyday behaviours so that they are in line with their own convictions?
If these issues resonate with you, you should step up to our virtual stage! We are looking for speakers (and performers) – students and staff – who are keen to share their bold responses to one of these questions. You can either apply yourself or nominate someone else.
The virtual nature of this year’s event opens a whole new world of possibilities. Whether you turn your talk into a 3D experience, present a new invention in your lab or take the audience for a walk in the forest: the sky is the limit!
Things to consider before you apply or nominate someone else
A TEDx event is a gathering where talks and performances are shared with a broad audience. TEDx talks are a showcase for speakers presenting new, well-formed ideas and inventions in 12-15 minutes. They are very different from conference talks! You can see the talks and performances of previous years on www.tedxuniversityofluxembourg.com, and a range of TED and TEDx talks on www.ted.com.
TEDx talks at the University of Luxembourg are mainly held in English, but a talk in Luxembourgish, French or German can be considered. Each speaker will be coached by a member of the organising team and is required to participate in several (virtual) rehearsals. TED rules also require that a script of the talk is submitted around a month prior to the event.
If you want to share your idea with a keen audience, fill in the online form by 7 June 2020. It also offers the option to nominate another person or a group that you feel should have a place on our virtual stage.
Questions can be sent to tedx@uni.lu. Find us on Facebook!
Let’s turn the tide on climate. Together!